

Liberating lab computing: building a stable yet flexible computing environment for students and faculty

14 years 8 months ago
Liberating lab computing: building a stable yet flexible computing environment for students and faculty
Indiana State University has found a way in its 25+ computing facilities to combine the need for a central stable lab image and small support staff with the academic needs of flexible software choices. This paper is unique in that it combines the diverse perspectives of central information technology with those of an academic unit. Through combining Reborn Card hardware technology and Ghost imaging software, Indiana State University has created a powerful computing environment that produces a win-win situation giving students a consistent look and feel across colleges and schools yet accommodating enough to meet the specific needs of faculty in disparate disciplines without adding additional personnel or breaking the technology support budget. Categories and Subject Descriptors K.6.4 [System Management]: Centralization/decentralization, Quality assurance General Terms: Management, Performance, Reliability, Security, Standardization.
Kenneth Janz, Pei-Yi Hu
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Kenneth Janz, Pei-Yi Hu
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