

Estimating the in/out function of a surface represented by points

14 years 8 months ago
Estimating the in/out function of a surface represented by points
We present a method to estimate the in/out function of a closed surface represented by an unorganized set of data points. From the in/out function, we compute an approximation of the signed distance function to a surface M whose sampling are given by this set of points. The procedure correctly detects the interior and the exterior of M, even if M is multiply connected. The representation of the signed distance function combines the advantages of two previously known schemes, “Implicit Simplicial Models” and “Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields”, incorporating new features deriving from the concept of a Binary Multitriangulation. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.3.5 [Computing Methodologies]: Computer Graphics—Computational Geometry and Object Modeling General Terms Binary Multitriangulation, Implicit Simplicial Models Keywords Stellar Operators, Topology Estimation, Implicit Surfaces
Vinícius Mello, Luiz Velho, Gabriel Taubin
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where SMA
Authors Vinícius Mello, Luiz Velho, Gabriel Taubin
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