

An Agent-Based Approach to Mailing List Knowledge Management

14 years 7 months ago
An Agent-Based Approach to Mailing List Knowledge Management
The widespread use of computers and of the internet have brought about human information overload, particularly in the areas of internet searches and email management. This has made Knowledge Management a necessity, particularly in a business context. Agent technology – with its metaphor of agent as assistant – has shown promise in the area of information overload and is therefore a good candidate for Knowledge Management solutions. This paper illustrates a mailing list Knowledge Management tool that is centred around the concept of a mailing list assistant. We envisage this system as the first step towards a comprehensive agentbased Knowledge Management solution.
Emanuela Moreale, Stuart Watt
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where AMKM
Authors Emanuela Moreale, Stuart Watt
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