

Dither-modulation data hiding with distortion-compensation: exact performance analysis and an improved detector for JPEG attacks

15 years 4 months ago
Dither-modulation data hiding with distortion-compensation: exact performance analysis and an improved detector for JPEG attacks
The binary Distortion Compensated Dither-Modulation (DCDM), which can be regarded to as a baseline for quantizationbased data-hiding methods, is rigorously analyzed. A novel and accurate procedure for computing the exact probability of bit error is given, as well as an approximation amenable to differentiation which allows to obtain the optimal weights in a newly proposed decoding structure, for significant improvements on performance. The results are particularized for a JPEG compression scenario which allows to show their usefulness. Experimental results validating the proposed theory are presented.
Félix Balado, Fernando Pérez-Gonz&aa
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 24 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICIP
Authors Félix Balado, Fernando Pérez-González, Pedro Comesaña
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