

A Framework for Ontology Reuse and Persistence Integrating UML and Sesame

14 years 7 months ago
A Framework for Ontology Reuse and Persistence Integrating UML and Sesame
Nowadays there is a great effort underway to improve the World Wide Web. A better content organisation, allowing automatic processing, leading to the Semantic Web is one of the main goals. In the light of bringing this technology closer to the Software Engineering community we propose an architecture allowing an easier development for ontology-based applications. Thus, we first present a methodology for ontology creation and automatic code generation using the widely adopted CASE UML tools. And based on a study of the art of the different RDF storage and querying systems, we couple this methodology with the Sesame system for providing a framework able to deal with large knowledge bases.
Carlos Pedrinaci, Amaia Bernaras, Tim Smithers, Je
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Carlos Pedrinaci, Amaia Bernaras, Tim Smithers, Jessica Aguado, Manuel Cendoya
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