

Text Mining Using the Hierarchical Syntactical Structure of Documents

14 years 6 months ago
Text Mining Using the Hierarchical Syntactical Structure of Documents
One of the most important tasks for determining association rules consists of calculating all the maximal frequent itemsets. Specifically, some methods to obtain these itemsets have been developed in the context of both databases and text collections. In this work, the hierarchical syntactical structure’s concept is introduced, which supplies an unexplored dimension in the task of describing and analysing text collections. Based on this conceptual framework, we propose an efficient algorithm for calculating all the maximal frequent itemsets, which includes either the Feldman’s or the Ahonen’s concept of frequency depending on the practical application.
Roxana Dánger, José Ruiz-Shulcloper,
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Roxana Dánger, José Ruiz-Shulcloper, Rafael Berlanga Llavori
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