A new sort of generative grammar (Sec2) will be demonstrated which is more radically “lexicalist” than any earlier one (Sec1). It is a modified Unification Categorial Grammar [1–4] from which even the principal syntactic “weapon” of CGs, Function Application, has been omitted. What has remained is lexical sign and the mere technique of unification as the engine of combining signs. The computation thus requires no usual linguistic technique (e.g. Move, Merge, traces [5], Function Application [6]); which promises a straightforward implementation of GASG in Prolog. Our parser decides whether a Hungarian sentence is grammatical and creates its (practically English) DRS (Sec3). 1 DRT, UCG and Total Lexicalism A “totally lexicalist” generative grammar will be demonstrated in this paper. The first motivation of the enterprise was the stubborn problem of compositionality in DRT (Discourse Representation Theory; e.g. [7], [4])1 . The failure of elaborating a properly composit...