

Fault-Hamiltonicity of Product Graph of Path and Cycle

14 years 8 months ago
Fault-Hamiltonicity of Product Graph of Path and Cycle
We investigate hamiltonian properties of Pm × Cn, m ≥ 2 and even n ≥ 4, which is bipartite, in the presence of faulty vertices and/or edges. We show that Pm×Cn with n even is strongly hamiltonianlaceable if the number of faulty elements is one or less. When the number of faulty elements is two, it has a fault-free cycle of length at least mn−2 unless both faulty elements are contained in the same partite vertex set; otherwise, it has a fault-free cycle of length mn−4. A sufficient condition is derived for the graph with two faulty edges to have a hamiltonian cycle. By applying fault-hamiltonicity of Pm × Cn to a two-dimensional torus Cm × Cn, we obtain interesting hamiltonian properties of a faulty Cm × Cn.
Jung-Heum Park, Hee-Chul Kim
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Jung-Heum Park, Hee-Chul Kim
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