

A Social Approach to Communication in Multiagent Systems

14 years 5 months ago
A Social Approach to Communication in Multiagent Systems
Abstract. This paper aims at defining the semantics of Agent Communication Languages (ACLs) in terms of changes in the social relationships between agents, represented in terms of social commitments. We take commitment to be a primitive concept underlying the social dimension of multiagent systems, and define a basic artificial institution that provides agents with the means to affect the commitment network that binds them to each other. Two different approaches are adopted for the presentation of our proposal: a logical formalization and an operational specification.
Marco Colombetti, Nicoletta Fornara, Mario Verdicc
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where DALT
Authors Marco Colombetti, Nicoletta Fornara, Mario Verdicchio
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