

Distributed Queries and Query Optimization in Schema-Based P2P-Systems

14 years 7 months ago
Distributed Queries and Query Optimization in Schema-Based P2P-Systems
Databases have employed a schema-based approach to store and retrieve structured data for decades. For peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, similar approaches are just beginning to emerge, also motivated by the fact, that sending (atomic) queries to the appropriate peers clearly fails for queries which need data from more than one peer to be executed. While quite a few database techniques can be re-used in this new context, a P2P data management infrastructure poses additional challenges which have to be solved before schema-based P2P networks become as common as schema-based databases. Because of the dynamic nature of P2P networks, we can neither assume global knowledge about data distribution, nor are static topologies and static query plans suitable for these networks. Unlike in traditional distributed database systems, we cannot assume a complete schema instance but rather work with a distributed schema which directs query processing tasks from one node to one or more neighboring nodes. In...
Ingo Brunkhorst, Hadhami Dhraief, Alfons Kemper, W
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Ingo Brunkhorst, Hadhami Dhraief, Alfons Kemper, Wolfgang Nejdl, Christian Wiesner
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