

Optimizing Local Probability Models for Statistical Parsing

14 years 7 months ago
Optimizing Local Probability Models for Statistical Parsing
Abstract. This paper studies the properties and performance of models for estimating local probability distributions which are used as components of larger probabilistic systems — history-based generative parsing models. We report experimental results showing that memory-based learning outperforms many commonly used methods for this task (Witten-Bell, Jelinek-Mercer with fixed weights, decision trees, and log-linear models). However, we can connect these results with the commonly used general class of deleted interpolation models by showing that certain types of memory-based learning, including the kind that performed so well in our experiments, are instances of this class. In addition, we illustrate the divergences between joint and conditional data likelihood and accuracy performance achieved by such models, suggesting that smoothing based on optimizing accuracy directly might greatly improve performance.
Kristina Toutanova, Mark Mitchell, Christopher D.
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ECML
Authors Kristina Toutanova, Mark Mitchell, Christopher D. Manning
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