

ProgDOC - A New Program Documentation System

14 years 5 months ago
ProgDOC - A New Program Documentation System
Though programming languages and programming styles evolve with remarkable speed today, there is no such evolution in the field of program documentation. And although there exist some popular approaches like Knuth’s literate programming system WEB [26], and nowadays JavaDoc [15] or Doxygen [16], tools for managing software development and documentation are not as widespread as desirable. This paper analyses a wide range of literate programming tools available during the past two decades and introduces ProgDOC, a new software documentation system. It is simple, language independent, and it keeps documentation and the documented software consistent. It uses LATEX for typesetting purposes, supports syntax highlighting for various languages, and produces output in Postscript, PDF or HTML format.
Volker Simonis, Roland Weiss
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Volker Simonis, Roland Weiss
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