

Modeling Web Interactions

14 years 8 months ago
Modeling Web Interactions
Programmers confront a minefield when they design interactive Web programs. Web interactions take place via Web browsers. With browsers, consumers can whimsically navigate among the various stages of a dialog and can thus confuse the most sophisticated corporate Web sites. In turn, Web services can fault in frustrating and inexplicable ways. The quickening transition from Web scripts to Web services lends these problems immediacy. To address this programming problem, we develop a foundational model of Web interactions and use it to formally describe two classes of errors. The model suggests techniques for detecting both classes of errors. For one class we present an incrementally checked record type system, which effectively eliminates these errors. For the other class, we introduce a dynamic safety check, which catches the mistakes relative to programmers’ simple annotations.
Paul T. Graunke, Robert Bruce Findler, Shriram Kri
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ESOP
Authors Paul T. Graunke, Robert Bruce Findler, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Matthias Felleisen
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