

Optimal erasure protection assignment for scalable compressed images with tree-structured dependencies

15 years 4 months ago
Optimal erasure protection assignment for scalable compressed images with tree-structured dependencies
This paper is concerned with the efficient transmission of scalable compressed images with complex dependency structures over lossy communication channels. Our recent work proposed a strategy for allocating source elements into clusters of packets and finding their optimal code-rates. However, the previous work assumes that source elements form a simple chain of dependencies. The present paper proposes a modification to the earlier strategy to exploit the properties of scalable sources which have tree-structured dependency. The source elements are allocated to clusters of packets according to their dependency structure, subject to constraints on packet size and channel codeword length. Given a packet cluster arrangement, the proposed strategy assigns optimal code-rates to the source elements, subject to a constraint on transmission length. Our experimental results suggest that the proposed strategy can outperform the earlier strategy by exploiting the dependency structure.
Johnson Thie, David Taubman
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 24 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICIP
Authors Johnson Thie, David Taubman
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