

An efficient subdivision inversion for wavemesh-based progressive compression of 3D triangle meshes

15 years 4 months ago
An efficient subdivision inversion for wavemesh-based progressive compression of 3D triangle meshes
Wavemesh is a powerful scheme for 3D triangular mesh processing. In sharp contrast with other approaches using wavelets for mesh compression which apply only to meshes having subdivision connectivity, Wavemesh can simplify, approximate, and compress meshes even if they do not respect this constraint, with unmatched results for progressive lossless compression when compared to other approaches. We propose in this paper an improvement for our scheme : higher efficiency for meshes with large subdivision connectivity sets, as shown by experimental results. Also, in some cases, wavemesh can even perform better than mono-resolution approaches in terms of connectivity compression.
Sébastien Valette, Jarek Rossignac, R&eacut
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 27 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICIP
Authors Sébastien Valette, Jarek Rossignac, Rémy Prost
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