

Construction of the planar partition postal code map based on cadastral reGIStration

14 years 8 months ago
Construction of the planar partition postal code map based on cadastral reGIStration
Accurate postal code maps have many applications within GIS as the postal code has the potential to link the address description of buildings to their location in a specified global reference system in a more natural way. This relationship is possible in both directions: geocoding and reverse-geocoding. These operators demand a mechanism for translating an exact geometric position (i.e., WGS84 coordinate) into a location indication (town, street, house number) and vice versa. As most built-up parcels are provided with a postal code, this indicator can be used as the linkage. This paper describes the procedure, based on the Dutch cadastral registration, to obtain a reliable 6-position (i.e., 2628BX, the highest level of detail possible) planar postal code map for the Netherlands. Problems with existing, Voronoi-diagram based, postal code maps, like intersected houses and arbitrary derived (and thus unrecognizable) boundaries are avoided. The reliability of the derived planar postal cod...
Friso Penninga, Edward Verbree, Wilko Quak, Peter
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where GIS
Authors Friso Penninga, Edward Verbree, Wilko Quak, Peter van Oosterom
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