

Fair Real-Time Resource Allocation for Internet End System's QoS Support

14 years 8 months ago
Fair Real-Time Resource Allocation for Internet End System's QoS Support
Delivered end-to-end QoS is often limited by the ineffective resource management at Internet end systems. To overcome this problem, we present a resource allocation framework that can handle both the bandwidth and deadline requirements in allocating time shared resources at an Internet end system. The proposed framework has a two-level hierarchy. At the top-level, a proportional share scheduler, called Earliest Finish Time Credit/Debit (EFT-C/D) scheduler, allocates a time shared resource like CPU to the bottom-level schedulers in proportion to the specified rate of each bottom-level scheduler. The bottom-level schedulers each employ different scheduling disciplines to handle different timing requirements. Specifically, tasks with deadline requirements are scheduled by an EDF (earliest deadline first) scheduler, and tasks with bandwidth requirements are scheduled by a proportional share scheduler such as the proposed EFT-C/D scheduler or an EEVDF (Earliest Eligible Virtual Deadl...
Jungkeun Park, Minsoo Ryu, Seongsoo Hong
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Jungkeun Park, Minsoo Ryu, Seongsoo Hong
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