

Resource Access and Mobility Control with Dynamic Privileges Acquisition

14 years 5 months ago
Resource Access and Mobility Control with Dynamic Privileges Acquisition
µKlaim is a process language that permits programming distributed systems made up of several mobile components interacting through multiple distributed tuple spaces. We present the language and a type system for controlling the activities, e.g. access to resources and mobility, of the processes in a net. By dealing with privileges acquisition, the type system enables dynamic variations of security policies. We exploit a combination of static and dynamic type checking, and of inlined reference monitoring, to guarantee absence of run-time errors due to lack of privileges and state two type soundness results: one involves whole nets, the other is relative to subnets of larger nets.
Daniele Gorla, Rosario Pugliese
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Daniele Gorla, Rosario Pugliese
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