

A Randomized Real-Valued Negative Selection Algorithm

14 years 7 months ago
A Randomized Real-Valued Negative Selection Algorithm
This paper presents a real-valued negative selection algorithm with good mathematical foundation that solves some of the drawbacks of our previous approach [11]. Specifically, it can produce a good estimate of the optimal number of detectors needed to cover the non-self space, and the maximization of the non-self coverage is done through an optimization algorithm with proven convergence properties. The proposed method is a randomized algorithm based on Monte Carlo methods. Experiments are performed to validate the assumptions made while designing the algorithm and to evaluate its performance.3
Fabio A. González, Dipankar Dasgupta, Luis
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Fabio A. González, Dipankar Dasgupta, Luis Fernando Niño
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