

A novel cost-distortion optimization framework for video streaming over differentiated services networks

15 years 2 months ago
A novel cost-distortion optimization framework for video streaming over differentiated services networks
This paperpresentsa novel framework for streamingvideo over a Differentiated Services (DifPjew) network that jointly considers video source coding. packet classification and error concealment within the scope of costdistortion optimization. Our formulation incorporatesthe randomnetworkdelay for each packet into the calculation of the probability of packet loss and manages the end-to-end packet delay by selecting the encoding parameten and packet priority. We formulate two approaches to evaluate the performance o f the proposed framework: a minimum distortion aooroach and a minimum cost aooroach. in level for each packet. Different DS levels result in different QoS levels. such as different packetloss rateandnetwork delay. In this paper, we propose a novvel framework for the joint adaptation of source coding and packet priorily to maximizethe system periormance. Our formulation incorporates the random network delay for each packet into the calculation of the probability o f packet loss...
Fan Zhai, Yiftach Eisenberg, Carlos E. Luna, Thras
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 24 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICIP
Authors Fan Zhai, Yiftach Eisenberg, Carlos E. Luna, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, Randall Berry, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
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