

Multigrid image reconstruction from arbitrarily spaced samples

15 years 4 months ago
Multigrid image reconstruction from arbitrarily spaced samples
We propose a novel multiresolution-multigrid based signal reconstruction method from arbitrarily spaced samples. The signal is reconstructed on a uniform grid using B-splines basis functions. The computation of spline weights is formulated as a variational problem. Specifically, we minimize a cost that is a weighted sum of two terms: (i) the sum of squared errors at the specified points; (ii) a quadratic functional that penalizes the lack of smoothness. The problem is equivalent to solving a very large system of linear equations, with the dimension equal to the number of grid points. We develop a computationallyefficient multiresolution-multigrid scheme for solving the system. We demonstrate the method with image reconstruction from contour points.
Michael Sühling, Michael Unser, Muthuvel Arig
Added 24 Oct 2009
Updated 27 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICIP
Authors Michael Sühling, Michael Unser, Muthuvel Arigovindan, Patrick R. Hunziker
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