The Java Message Service (JMS) provides a standard asynchronous messaging API, which simplifies the construction of loosely coupled, distributed applications. This paper describes the design and implementation of a pure Java JMS solution for mobile adhoc networks (MANETs). The resulting JMS solution simplifies not only the construction of MANET applications but also the re-deployment of any existing JMS applications into a MANET context. The central contribution of this paper lies in comprehensively identifying and addressing the design challenges encountered. For example, common JMS implementations rely, for reasons of efficiency, on a central, reliable server for maintaining dynamic state information, e.g. routing information and group configuration. Construction of a JMS solution for MANETs, on the other hand, cannot rely on such a centralized server. Our server-less implementation involves building a new MANET transport module that is incorporated into an existing JMS product. This...
Einar Vollset, David B. Ingham, Paul D. Ezhilchelv