

The dangers of parsimony in query-by-humming applications

14 years 8 months ago
The dangers of parsimony in query-by-humming applications
Query-by-humming systems attempt to address the needs of the non-expert user, for whom the most natural query format – for the purposes of finding a tune, hook or melody of unknown providence – is to sing it. While human listeners are quite tolerant of error in these queries, a music retrieval mechanism must explicitly model such errors in order to perform its task. We will present a unifying view of existing models, illuminating the assumptions underlying their respective designs, and demonstrating where such assumptions succeed and fail, through analysis and realworld experiments.
Colin Meek, William P. Birmingham
Added 07 Jul 2010
Updated 07 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Colin Meek, William P. Birmingham
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