

Enabling a highly-scalable global address space model for petascale computing

14 years 7 months ago
Enabling a highly-scalable global address space model for petascale computing
Over the past decade, the trajectory to the petascale has been built on increased complexity and scale of the underlying parallel architectures. Meanwhile, software developers have struggled to provide tools that maintain the productivity of computational science teams using these new systems. In this regard, Global Address Space (GAS) programming models provide a straightforward and easy to use addressing model, which can lead to improved productivity. However, the scalability of GAS depends directly on the design and implementation of the runtime system on the target petascale distributed-memory architecture. In this paper, we describe the design, implementation, and optimization of the Aggregate Remote Memory Copy Interface (ARMCI) runtime library on the Cray XT5 2.3 PetaFLOPs computer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. We optimized our implementation with the flow intimation technique that we have introduced in this paper. Our optimized ARMCI implementation improves scalability of...
Vinod Tipparaju, Edoardo Aprà, Weikuan Yu,
Added 10 Jul 2010
Updated 10 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CF
Authors Vinod Tipparaju, Edoardo Aprà, Weikuan Yu, Jeffrey S. Vetter
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