

Comet: batched stream processing for data intensive distributed computing

14 years 8 months ago
Comet: batched stream processing for data intensive distributed computing
Batched stream processing is a new distributed data processing paradigm that models recurring batch computations on incrementally bulk-appended data streams. The model is inspired by our empirical study on a trace from a large-scale production data-processing cluster; it allows a set of effective query optimizations that are not possible in a traditional batch processing model. We have developed a query processing system called Comet that embraces batched stream processing and integrates with DryadLINQ. We used two complementary methods to evaluate the effectiveness of optimizations that Comet enables. First, a prototype system deployed on a 40-node cluster shows an I/O reduction of over 40% using our benchmark. Second, when applied to a real production trace covering over 19 million machine-hours, our simulator shows an estimated I/O saving of over 50%. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.4 [Computer-communication networks]: Distributed systems—Distributed databases; H.2.4 [Da...
Bingsheng He, Mao Yang, Zhenyu Guo, Rishan Chen, B
Added 10 Jul 2010
Updated 10 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Bingsheng He, Mao Yang, Zhenyu Guo, Rishan Chen, Bing Su, Wei Lin, Lidong Zhou
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