

Symphony - A Java-Based Composition and Manipulation Framework for Computational Grids

14 years 7 months ago
Symphony - A Java-Based Composition and Manipulation Framework for Computational Grids
We introduce the Symphony framework, a software ion layer that can sit on top of grid systems. Symphony provides a unified API for grid application developers and offers a graphical user interface for rapid collaborative development and deployment of grid applications and problem solving environments through compositional modelling following the data-flow paradigm. Symphony meta-programs and program components can be distributed, reused and modified. Together with Symphony a new security model is developed that extends existing security architectures to allow for collaboration of grid developers and users in permanent as well as ad-hoc working groups.
Markus Lorch, Dennis G. Kafura
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Markus Lorch, Dennis G. Kafura
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