

On the Business Impact of Software Process Improvement

14 years 8 months ago
On the Business Impact of Software Process Improvement
Organisations that follow the CMM-road towards software process improvement tend to spend large amounts of money and effort. This is certainly the case in the company ING which led senior management to ask for a better substantiation of the benefits that are being / will be achieved. Current literature focuses mainly on the internal benefits for the developing organisation such as less errors and lower costs. These arguments are not sufficient for management. Investments of this order of magnitude must either have a significant pay-off or be of direct benefit to the primary business. Since even the most positive literature does not indicate a pay-off of sufficient size we decided to look into the effect on the business. This led to research on the perceived impact of process improvement activities on the quality of the services provided to the (internal) customers. A questionnaire was developed to map the notion 'quality of service' from the point of view from both IT-depart...
Rob J. Kusters, Jos J. M. Trienekens, Wilmar Hasso
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Rob J. Kusters, Jos J. M. Trienekens, Wilmar Hassoldt
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