

Formalizing Incremental Design in Real-time Area: SCTL/MUS-T

14 years 8 months ago
Formalizing Incremental Design in Real-time Area: SCTL/MUS-T
Achievement of quality in software design, while never easy, is made more difficult by the inherent complexity of hard real-time (HRT) design. Furthermore, timing requirements in HRT are by nature functional requirements, since system correctness depends on their fulfillment. Whereas the correctness dependence of the time imposes considering timing requirements from the early stages of the production process, complexity enforces a lifecycle model which fits in with requirements change and splits complexity by means of an incremental and iterative structure. Taking these aims as a starting point, this paper introduces SCTL/MUS-T methodology as supporting HRT design in a formalized and incremental way. Despite SCTL/MUS-T methodology integrates several kinds of analysis and synthesis methods, we will focus on its formal basis and the main ideas behind requirements elicitation and automated construction of prototypes in an incrementally.
Ana Fernández Vilas, José J. Pazos A
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Ana Fernández Vilas, José J. Pazos Arias, Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo, Ana Belén Barragáns-Martínez
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