

Information Flow Security in Dynamic Contexts

14 years 8 months ago
Information Flow Security in Dynamic Contexts
We study a security property for processes in dynamic contexts, i.e., contexts that can be reconfigured at runtime. The security property that we propose in this paper, named Persistent BNDC, is such that a process is “secure” when every state reachable from it satisfies a basic Non-Interference property. We define a suitable bisimulation based equivalence relation among processes, that allows us to express the new property as a single equivalence check, thus avoiding the universal quantifications over all the reachable states (required by Persistent BNDC) and over all the possible hostile environments (implicit in the basic Non-Interference property we adopt). We show that the novel security property is compositional and we discuss how it can be efficiently checked.
Riccardo Focardi, Sabina Rossi
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where CSFW
Authors Riccardo Focardi, Sabina Rossi
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