

Data Compression of Correlated Non-Binary Sources Using Punctured Turbo Codes

14 years 7 months ago
Data Compression of Correlated Non-Binary Sources Using Punctured Turbo Codes
We consider the case of two corr elated non-binary sources. Data compression is achieved by transforming the sequences of non-binary symbols into sequences of bits and then using punctured turbo codesas source encoders. Each source is compressed without knowledge about the other source, and no information about the corr elation between sources is required in the encoding pr ocess. Compression is achieved because of puncturing, which is adjusted to obtain the desired compression rate. The source de coder utilizes iterativeschemes over the compressed binary sequences, and recovers the non-binary symbol se quences from both sources. The performance of the pr op ose d scheme is close to the the or eticallimit pr edicted by the Slepian-Wolf the or em.
Ying Zhao, Javier Garcia-Frias
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where DCC
Authors Ying Zhao, Javier Garcia-Frias
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