

Integrating Aperiodic and Recurrent Tasks on Fair-Scheduled Multiprocessors

14 years 7 months ago
Integrating Aperiodic and Recurrent Tasks on Fair-Scheduled Multiprocessors
We propose two server implementations for multiplexing aperiodic and recurrent (i.e., periodic, sporadic, or “rate-based”) real-time tasks in fair-scheduled multiprocessor systems. This is the first paper to consider the problem of integrating support for aperiodic tasks within fair multiprocessor scheduling algorithms. We also provide admission-control tests for the scheduling of hard aperiodic tasks (which have deadlines). Further, we point out some of the additional complexities involved in server-based implementations on multiprocessors and present some ways to handle them. Most of these complexities arise because of the parallelism that exists in such systems. Finally, we provide experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our implementations. ∗Work supported by NSF grants CCR 9732916, CCR 9972211, CCR 9988327, and ITR 0082866.
Anand Srinivasan, Philip Holman, James H. Anderson
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Anand Srinivasan, Philip Holman, James H. Anderson
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