

Eigen Light-Fields and Face Recognition Across Pose

14 years 7 months ago
Eigen Light-Fields and Face Recognition Across Pose
In many face recognition tasks the pose of the probe and gallery images are different. In other cases multiple gallery or probe images may be available, each captured from a different pose. We propose a face recognition algorithm which can use any number of gallery images per subject captured at arbitrary poses, and any number of probe images, again captured at arbitrary poses. The algorithm operates by estimating the eigen light-field of the subject’s head from the input gallery or probe images. Matching between the probe and gallery is then performed using the eigen light-fields. We present results on the CMU PIE and the FERET face databases.
Ralph Gross, Iain Matthews, Simon Baker
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where FGR
Authors Ralph Gross, Iain Matthews, Simon Baker
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