

Towards Knowledge-Sharing and Learning in Virtual Professional Communities

14 years 7 months ago
Towards Knowledge-Sharing and Learning in Virtual Professional Communities
This paper describes a program of research designed to understand how knowledge-sharing and learning can be supported in virtual communities. To conduct this research, we propose the development of a series of knowledge sharing tools and procedures followed by a rigorous evaluation of the use of these tools in real virtual community environments. The paper starts with a brief examination of relevant theory in knowledge management and learning. This leads to a comprehensive set of research questions. To investigate these questions, we next propose a set of tools for supporting collaboration, knowledge sharing and learning for distributed communities. Evaluation is also a vital element of this research. Keywords virtual communities, knowledge sharing, learning
Michael Bieber, Il Im, Ronald E. Rice, Ricki Goldm
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Michael Bieber, Il Im, Ronald E. Rice, Ricki Goldman-Segall, Ravi Paul, Edward A. Stohr, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Jennifer Preece, Murray Turoff
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