

Adoption of Mobile Commerce: Role of Exposure

14 years 8 months ago
Adoption of Mobile Commerce: Role of Exposure
The increasingly high penetration rate of mobile phones and the consequent exposure of subscribers to mobile technology present high hopes for the adoption of mobile commerce. Are such hopes justified? In this study, we address this question. More specifically, we develop and empirically test a model for explaining the role of exposure to mobile technology in the adoption of mobile commerce. The proposed model extends well-established behavioral theories with new constructs representing various forms of exposure, i.e., trial, communication and observation. The empirical results show significant both indirect (mediated by other constructs) and moderating effects of exposure on the intention of adopting mobile commerce.
Mohamed Khalifa, Sammi K. N. Cheng
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Mohamed Khalifa, Sammi K. N. Cheng
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