

Fractal-wavelet image denoising

14 years 8 months ago
Fractal-wavelet image denoising
—The essence of fractal image denoising is to predict the fractal code of a noiseless image from its noisy observation. From the predicted fractal code, one can generate an estimate of the original image. We show how well fractal-wavelet denoising predicts parent wavelet subtress of the noiseless image. The performance of various fractal-wavelet denoising schemes (e.g., fixed partitioning, quadtree partitioning) is compared to that of some standard wavelet thresholding methods. We also examine the use of cycle spinning in fractal-based image denoising for the purpose enhancing the denoised estimates. Our experimental results show that these fractal-based image denoising methods are quite competitive with standard wavelet thresholding methods for image denoising. Finally, we compare the performance of the pixel- and wavelet-based fractal denoising schemes.
Mohsen Ghazel, Edward R. Vrscay, George H. Freeman
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICIP
Authors Mohsen Ghazel, Edward R. Vrscay, George H. Freeman
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