

An iterative algorithm for context selection in adaptive entropy coders

14 years 8 months ago
An iterative algorithm for context selection in adaptive entropy coders
Context-based adaptive entropy coding is an essential feature of modern image compression algorithms; however, the design of these coders is non-trivial due to the balance that must be struck between the benefits associated with using a large number of conditioning classes, or contexts, and the penalties resulting from data dilution. The problem is especially severe when coding small sub-images where the amount of data available is small. In this paper, we propose an iterative algorithm that begins with a large number of conditioning classes and then uses a clustering procedure to reduce this number to a desired value. This method is in contrast to the more usual approach of defining contexts in an ad-hoc manner. Experiments are conducted on synthetic data sources having varying amounts of memory, as well as on the sub-images resulting from a wavelet decomposition of an image. The results show that our approach to context selection is effective and that the algorithm automatically lea...
Tong Jin, Jacques Vaisey
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICIP
Authors Tong Jin, Jacques Vaisey
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