

Beat-ID: identifying music via beat analysis

14 years 8 months ago
Beat-ID: identifying music via beat analysis
— Music identification is an effective tool that enables multimedia players to extract a distinct statistical digest of the played content, look up into a music database using the extracted unique identifier, and then take advantage of the services available for that particular content. In this paper, we introduce Beat-IDs, the first music identification system that creates the digest of the music clip by understanding the basic structure of every musical piece: its beat. A Beat-ID is created in two steps: first, the system detects the average beat period of a given music clip using a modified EM algorithm and then, it analyzes the statistical properties of the clip with respect to the detected beats. The extracted 32byte Beat-ID contains two components: the length of the average beat period and a compressed statistical digest of signal’s energy distribution in an average beat period. Finally, we introduce an algorithm for matching Beat-IDs that quantifies the matching accur...
Darko Kirovski, Hagai Attias
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Darko Kirovski, Hagai Attias
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