

Efficient Distributed Path Selection for Shared Restoration Connections

14 years 8 months ago
Efficient Distributed Path Selection for Shared Restoration Connections
—In MPLS/GMPLS networks, a range of restoration schemes will be required to support different tradeoffs between service interruption time and network resource utilization. In light of these tradeoffs, path-based, end-to-end shared restoration provides a very attractive solution. However, efficient use of capacity for shared restoration strongly relies on the selection procedure of restoration paths. In this paper we propose an efficient path-selection algorithm for restoration of connections over shared bandwidth in a fully distributed GMPLS architecture. We also describe how to extend GMPLS signaling protocols to collect the necessary information efficiently. To evaluate the algorithm’s performance, we compare it via simulation with two other well-known algorithms on a typical intercity backbone network. The key figure-of-merit for restoration capacity efficiency is restoration overbuild, i.e., the extra capacity required to meet the network restoration objective as a percentage o...
Guangzhi Li, Dongmei Wang, Charles R. Kalmanek, Ro
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Guangzhi Li, Dongmei Wang, Charles R. Kalmanek, Robert D. Doverspike
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