

End-to-End Internet Video Traffic Dynamics: Statistical Study and Analysis

14 years 7 months ago
End-to-End Internet Video Traffic Dynamics: Statistical Study and Analysis
Abstract – In this paper, we analyze the dynamics of a sevenmonth real-time streaming experiment, which was conducted between a number of unicast dialup clients, connecting to the Internet through access points in more than 600 major U.S. cities, and a backbone video server. During the experiment, the clients streamed low-bitrate MPEG-4 video sequences from the server over paths with more than 5,000 distinct Internet routers. We describe the methodology of the experiment and the architecture of our NACK-based streaming application, study end-to-end dynamics of 16 thousand ten-minute sessions (85 million packets), and analyze the behavior of the following network parameters: packet loss, round-trip delay, and packet reordering. We also study the impact of these parameters on the quality of real-time streaming (i.e., the number of underflow events).
Dmitri Loguinov, Hayder Radha
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Dmitri Loguinov, Hayder Radha
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