

Towards a clinically useful sonic flashlight

14 years 8 months ago
Towards a clinically useful sonic flashlight
We have previously shown a new method of merging a direct view of the patient with an ultrasound image displayed in situ within the patient, using a half-silvered mirror. We call this method Real Time Tomographic Reflection (RTTR). This paper reviews our progress to date in developing an embodiment of RTTR that we call the sonic flashlight TM . The clinical utility of the sonic flashlight for guiding invasive procedures will depend on a number of factors, and we have explored these factors through a series of prototypes. Responding to feedback from our clinical collaborators, we have upgraded various elements of our original apparatus and implemented a new generation of the system that is smaller, lighter, and more easily manipulated. We have improved performance as we gain a better understanding of the optical parameters of the system. Our results demonstrate in situ visualization of vasculature of the neck in a human volunteer and the anatomy of the eye in a cadaver.
George D. Stetten, Damion Shelton, Wilson Chang, V
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ISBI
Authors George D. Stetten, Damion Shelton, Wilson Chang, Vikram S. Chib, Robert J. Tamburo, Daniel Hildebrand, L. Lobes, Jules H. Sumkin
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