

Partial path protection for WDM networks: end-to-end recovery using local failure information

14 years 7 months ago
Partial path protection for WDM networks: end-to-end recovery using local failure information
In this paper, we propose a new protection scheme, which we term partial path protection (PPP), to select endto-end backup paths using local information about network failures. PPP designates a different restoration path for every link failure on each primary path. PPP also allows reuse of operational segments of the original primary path in the protection path. A novel approach used in this paper is that of a dynamic call-by-call model with blocking probability as the performance metric, this model is in contrast with traditional capacity-efficiency measurement for batch call arrivals. Additionally, we show that a simple method based on shortest path routing for which primary paths are selected first is more effective than a greedy approach that minimizes, for each call arrival, the number of wavelengths used by the primary and backup path jointly.
Hungjen Wang, Eytan Modiano, Muriel Médard
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ISCC
Authors Hungjen Wang, Eytan Modiano, Muriel Médard
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