

Pattern-Supported Architecture Recovery

14 years 7 months ago
Pattern-Supported Architecture Recovery
Architectural patterns and styles represent important design decisions and thus are valuable abstractions for architecture recovery. Recognizing them is a challenge because styles and patterns basically span several architectural elements and can be implemented in various ways depending on the problem domain and the implementation variants. Our approach uses source code structures as patterns and introduces an iterative and interactive architecture recovery approach built upon such lower-level patterns extracted from source code. Associations between extracted pattern instances and architectural elements such as modules arise which result in new and higher-level views of the software system. These pattern views provide information for a consecutive refinement of pattern definitions to aggregate and abstract higher-level patterns which finally enable the description of a software system’s architecture.
Martin Pinzger, Harald Gall
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where IWPC
Authors Martin Pinzger, Harald Gall
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