

On CASE Tool Usage at Nokia

14 years 7 months ago
On CASE Tool Usage at Nokia
We present the results of a research work targeted to understanding CASE tools usage in Nokia. By means of a survey questionnaire, we collected data aimed to identify what features are most useful and best implemented in current CASE tools according to senior developers and managers. With the aid of both descriptive and inferential statistical data analysis methods, we found out that the features that are rated most useful belong to the graphical editing, version management and document generation categories. The statistical methods we use allow us to extend the results to the whole population with a certain degree of confidence. The analysis of the data seems to give the indication that there is a general level of dissatisfaction on the quality of currently available CASE tools. Also, there is evidence that some of the most advanced features (reverse engineering, code generation) are not deemed as useful as others. Further research should focus on extending the survey to other types ...
Alessandro Maccari, Claudio Riva, Francesco Maccar
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where KBSE
Authors Alessandro Maccari, Claudio Riva, Francesco Maccari
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