

Design of a network level management information model for automatically switched transport networks

14 years 8 months ago
Design of a network level management information model for automatically switched transport networks
The concept of Automatically Switched Transport Networks (ASTN) combines elements of distributed connection management from the IP world with classical transport network functionality. This has a deep impact on the management concepts for this new kind of networks and calls for a management solution that supports migration of existing transport network management systems to ASTN enabled networks. This contribution discusses challenges for ASTN management that result from these issues and proposes guidelines for the design of a network level management information model for such networks. A proposal for the structure and the basic objects of the ASTN information model is presented. This information model will be validated by implementation of management systems and field trial experiments that are scheduled for the second quarter of 2002. Keywords Network Level Management Information Model, Automatic Switched Transport Network (ASTN), Automatic Switched Optical Network (ASON), distribu...
Georg Lehr, Ulrike Hartmer, Ralf Geerdsen
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where NOMS
Authors Georg Lehr, Ulrike Hartmer, Ralf Geerdsen
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