

Real-Time Scheduling in Distributed Systems

14 years 7 months ago
Real-Time Scheduling in Distributed Systems
In this paper, we investigate the worst case performance of Earliest Due Date algorithm when applied to packet scheduling in distributed systems. We assume that the processing elements communicate via a multistage interconnection network, and that the system is synchronous. When two or more packets are simultaneously sent over the same input port, or received through the same output port, the packets undergo a collision and are damaged, needing to be retransmitted later. This causes a performance degradation in terms of both throughput and delay. So, collisions must be avoided. The special type of traffic to be scheduled by Earliest Due Date is a periodic hard-real time one, and the objective is to schedule all the packets within their individual due dates. We establish that EDD is always able to produce a schedule meeting this objective, whenever the so called link utilization is no more than 1/2, showing that this worst case performance bound is tight. Such a bound can be effective...
Nguyen Duc Thai
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Nguyen Duc Thai
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