

Stochastic Analysis of Periodic Real-Time Systems

14 years 8 months ago
Stochastic Analysis of Periodic Real-Time Systems
This paper describes a stochastic analysis method for general periodic real-time systems. The proposed method accurately computes the response time distribution of each task in the system, thus making it possible to determine the deadline miss probability of individual tasks, even for systems with maximum utilization factor greater than one. The method uniformly covers both fixed-priority scheduling (such as Rate Monotonic) as well as dynamic-priority scheduling (such as Earliest Deadline First) and can handle arbitrary relative deadlines and execution time distributions. The accuracy of the method is proven by comparing the results from the analysis with those obtained from simulations, as well as other methodologies in the literature.
José Luis Díaz, Daniel F. Garc&iacut
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where RTSS
Authors José Luis Díaz, Daniel F. García, Kanghee Kim, Chang-Gun Lee, Lucia Lo Bello, José María López, Sang Lyul Min, Orazio Mirabella
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