

A Fast Resource Synthesis Technique for Energy-Efficient Real-Time System

14 years 5 months ago
A Fast Resource Synthesis Technique for Energy-Efficient Real-Time System
We consider a resource synthesis technique for realtime systems where the energy budget is limited and the performance of the system depends on how resources and energy are used. We consider two performance models for a task: (1) a task has variable execution time and performance of a task depends on the amount of execution time received and (2) the execution time of a task is constant and the performance of a task depends on its frequency. We first propose an optimal resource synthesis technique which maximizes the system performance without energy constraints. We prove its optimality with the earliest deadline first (EDF) scheduling policy when the performance function of a task is non-decreasing and concave. We propose an energy-aware resource allocation technique for systems with energy constraints using the same analytical framework. The energy-aware resource synthesis technique considers both resource usage and energy consumption to find a near optimal solution that maximizes sy...
Dong-In Kang, Stephen P. Crago, Jinwoo Suh
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where RTSS
Authors Dong-In Kang, Stephen P. Crago, Jinwoo Suh
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