

A Scalable, Multi-User VRML Server

14 years 7 months ago
A Scalable, Multi-User VRML Server
VRML97 allows the description of dynamic worlds that can change with both the passage of time, and user interaction. Unfortunately, the current VRML usage model prevents its full potential from being realized. Initially, the whole world must be loaded into the user’s desktop browser, and so large worlds can take a very long time to download and render, while a world cannot be shared among multiple users This paper describes the design and implementation of a client-server architecture that was built to overcome these problems. The major novelty is the decoupling of VRML world execution from world rendering. Parallelism and information filtering are exploited to produce a highly scalable system that can support huge, highly active worlds, accessed simultaneously by large numbers of users. A cluster-based parallel server is responsible for maintaining the dynamic world state, and most of the world dynamics are evaluated on the server side. The server streams VRML to the client, using ...
Thomas Rischbeck, Paul Watson
Added 16 Jul 2010
Updated 16 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where VR
Authors Thomas Rischbeck, Paul Watson
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