

Guarding a Walled Garden - Semantic Privacy Preferences for the Social Web

14 years 8 months ago
Guarding a Walled Garden - Semantic Privacy Preferences for the Social Web
Abstract. With increasing usage of Social Networks, giving users the possibility to establish access restrictions on their data and resources becomes more and more important. However, privacy preferences in nowaday’s Social Network applications are rather limited and do not allow to define policies with fine-grained concept definitions. Moreover, due to the walled garden structure of the Social Web, current privacy settings for one platform cannot refer to information about people on other platforms. In addition, although most of the Social Network’s privacy settings share the same nature, users are forced to define and maintain their privacy settings separately for each platform. In this paper, we present a semantic model for privacy preferences on Social Web applications that overcomes those problems. Our model extends the current privacy model for Social Platforms by semantic concept definitions. By means of these concepts, users are enabled to exactly define what portion ...
Philipp Kärger, Wolf Siberski
Added 19 Jul 2010
Updated 19 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ESWS
Authors Philipp Kärger, Wolf Siberski
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