

Tight Thresholds for Cuckoo Hashing via XORSAT

14 years 7 months ago
Tight Thresholds for Cuckoo Hashing via XORSAT
We settle the question of tight thresholds for offline cuckoo hashing. The problem can be stated as follows: we have n keys to be hashed into m buckets each capable of holding a single key. Each key has k ≥ 3 (distinct) associated buckets chosen uniformly at random and independently of the choices of other keys. A hash table can be constructed successfully if each key can be placed into one of its buckets. We seek thresholds ck such that, as n goes to infinity, if n/m ≤ c for some c < ck then a hash table can be constructed successfully with high probability, and if n/m ≥ c for some c > ck a hash table cannot be constructed successfully with high probability. Here we are considering the offline version of the problem, where all keys and hash values are given, so the problem is equivalent to previous models of multiple-choice hashing. We find the thresholds for all values of k > 2 by showing that they are in fact the same as the previously known thresholds for the ran...
Martin Dietzfelbinger, Andreas Goerdt, Michael Mit
Added 19 Jul 2010
Updated 19 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Martin Dietzfelbinger, Andreas Goerdt, Michael Mitzenmacher, Andrea Montanari, Rasmus Pagh, Michael Rink
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